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Things you should know about Shabbat at the University of Hartford:


  • Chabad has no dress code

  • You do not need to observe Shabbat to attend dinner or services 

  • ​You can bring a friend, or two or three or four or more 

  • ​You do not NEED to RSVP, but we really, really appreciate it when you do 

  • ​You can arrive and leave whenever you want 

  • ​Although the Kulek family lives at Chabad, it is also your home, you are family! 

  • ​We never charge students for Shabbat dinner at Chabad 

  • ​On that note, yes, you or your family can be an awesome Shabbat dinner sponsor 

  • ​The food is always homemade by Dalia 

  • ​There are many themed Shabbat dinners 

  • ​We often host guest speakers and faculty for dinner 

  • ​We never serve dining hall food 

  • ​You do not need to attend services (at 6:30pm) to attend dinner (7:15pm) 

  • ​The times of services changes once when we set the clock to daylight savings 

  • ​We have transliterated prayer books 

  • ​The service is lively and has some easy explanations 

  • ​You will feel like family because you are! 

What does it cost?


Just bring yourself and lots of friends!
Come enjoy dinner and stay for a few minutes, or stay for a few hours.

Or become a student leader and be more active.

Your level of involvement is up to you!

Shabbat Dinner
Shabbat Dinner
Aug 28, 2020, 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM
Chabad Chevra,
100 Bloomfield Ave, Hartford, CT 06105, USA
Shabbat RSVP
Student Leadership

Student Leadership


Dalia Rotman 



Pinchas Schreiber

Faculty Advisor


Keren Shahverdi 
Vice President

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Leeor Elias
Israel Chair


Israel Feld



Simon Brooks
Religious Services VP

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Adrianne Cox

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Lauren Abrams
Chesed VP


Eliana Lebson
PR & Social Media

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Harvey Gibbs
Membership VP


Chabad Student Board Statement

Chabad Chevra is a student organization that aims to create a home and community for students at University of Hartford, while simultaneously connecting ourselves and others to Jewish lifestyles and experiences. It is an organization that aims to bring out the kind, strong, and fun-loving parts of all of us, and to unite us as one active unit. We believe in the importance of Jewish values, Jewish culture, Jewish intellectualism, and Jewish faith. We strive to create a nurturing stronghold, on and off campus, for which all of these may thrive. We see the teaching and the learning of Jewish ideas as a significant contribution to our lives and to the Jewish people as a whole. We have pride in ourselves and our Jewish affiliation; and we want to see to it that other students have the opportunity to develop their own prideful relationship to Judaism as well as share in ours. Chabad Chevra is driven to solidify a positive Jewish identity in the individual and in the community. 

To accomplish this in the most fun and worthwhile way, we strive to uphold a positive environment for ourselves and for others. Comfort-ability is our priority. Our goals to maintain a comfortable environment include honesty, diplomacy, and compassion. We understand the necessity for respect and are not afraid to help others act more respectfully when needed. We recognize the value of friendship and spirit of generosity. We know the work and effort involved, and we take pride and responsibility in our programming and in doing so make it effectively actualized. Ultimately, we know that pouring ourselves into what we do will not only make our own experiences more meaningful, but also lead to a better overall experience for everyone. 

Everyone within the organization, is here because they want to be, and hopefully because they truly care for its success. If anyone ever has any questions, doubts, concerns, or ideas, please do not hesitate to make your voice heard. We have a competent board, executive board, Rabbi, and Rebbetzin that all work for the good of the organization, and will be eager to listen. As a member, don’t forget to make yourself available to help others with their questions, concerns, and ideas. As Hillel says in Pirkei Avos (Ethics of our Fathers) "A person who is [too] shy [to ask questions] will never learn, and a teacher who is too strict cannot teach..." (2:5). 

Time to work hard, have fun, and make this semester even better than the last! L’chaim! 

Student Board Responsibilities

Here's your chance to make a difference in Jewish Life at UHart.  

Add your ideas, opinions and creativity to make Jewish Life all it can be. 

Please read the guidelines to become part of our board.

We are really looking forward to a great year with part of our family!   

All board members are required to: 

Act as the face of Chabad on campus. 

Take the HIGH ROAD. 

Be welcoming and create a welcoming non-judgmental environment for all students regardless of background. 

Brainstorm and contribute to new ideas/events for the UHart. 

Be aware of and spread the word about upcoming events.

Understand that we are part of a team and realize that teamwork and involvement is ESSENTIAL.  

Make a serious time commitment to attend bi-monthly meetings - time and place to be determined at the beginning of each semester.  

Be responsible for checking mail and social media to keep abreast of what is going on at Chabad. 

Run all ideas by Rabbi and Dalia before taking any action.

and HAVE FUN! 

Board members go on special trips and outings once a semester. 

Challah 4 Hunger

Challah 4 Hunger

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Student Interest Form

Student Interest Form

Thank you! See you on campus!

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